ESCalator – new levels of European volunteering
10.–16. 9. 2019
Trkmanka ecocentre, Velké Pavlovice (Czechia)
Organised by:
ANEV z.s. – Association of Non-formal Education z.s., Czech Republic
Partner organisations:
- Verein Generationen und Gesellschaft (Austria)
- Klub za osnaživanje mladih 018 (Serbia)
- Qendra Per Progres Rinor (Albania )
- Asocijacija za demokratski prosperitet – ZID (Montenegro)
- Aventura Marao Clube (Portugal)
- Xena – Centro Scambi e Dinamiche Interculturali (Italy)
- Mladinski center BIT (Slovenia)
- Fundacja Europejski Instytut Outsourcingu (Poland)
- Initiative Christen für Europa e.V. (Germany)
- Qendra për Zhvillim Ekonomik dhe Social (Kosovo)
- Council for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency – SPPMD (North Macedonia)
- Eğitim Programları ve Evrensel ve Kültürel Aktiviteler Derneği (Turkey)
ESCalator was a training course with networking and study visit elements for ESC coordinators from the EU and Western Balkan/SEE. The main aim was to increase the quality of ESC projects through personal development of coordinators and building long term partnerships of organisations.
Main content elements:
ESC quality related themes
Excursions to different types of ESC projects
Learning and service in ESC projects
Roles, needs and competencies of ESC actors
Space for personal reflection and feedback
Networking and partnership building sessions
Intercultural experience – local wine harvest festival